The Daily Graphic calls for the revamping of legacy factories to enhance the One district, One Factory, (1D1F) policy. The paper asks the Ministry of Trade and Industry to facilitate collaboration among private individuals and organisations that are inclined to give these legacy factories a second chance at surviving. The Graphic also urges the Ministry of Finance to step in and help by facilitating the financing arrangements needed to revamp these factories. According to the paper, there are some blueprints and skeletal remains of some of these factories that can be used to revamp them, so as to rekindle the country’s industrial drive. This, the Graphic believes will be significant in transforming the country.
The Ghanaian Times urges the public to elect competent candidates to the District assemblies and unit committees in the December poll. The paper says it is only competence that can bring the best out of the candidates to support the district assemblies to promote local economic development. The Times hopes the new assembly members would help to provide leadership at the local level as they deliver on their mandates and restore hope to the people.