The Daily Graphic makes a case for continuous innovations to meet the needs of Ghanaians, especially in this covid-19 era. It lauds the innovations made by some Ghanaians at the onset of the pandemic to promote good personal hygiene and check the spread of the virus. These include the use of veronica buckets, solar wash, and locally made automatic soap and water dispensers among others. The Graphic emphasizes that as all countries continue to battle covid-19 and its associated economic recession, development funding will be constrained. Hence, Ghana must mobilize resources domestically to finance its needs. The Paper proposes that government leads the way in an innovation drive to impress upon individuals and businesses to innovate for economic sustenance.
The Ghanaian Times expresses worry on the issue of baby stealing. This is where certain individuals, particularly women outwit mothers and run away with their little ones. Some of the baby thieves are barren women desperate to have children they would call their own. In those days when communal living was at its best, such thieves were easily arrested and the children were reunited with their mothers. In few cases, when they were stolen by men, the children could not be traced because it is believed that men usually use them for rituals. Today, baby stealing has taken a level termed baby or child harvesting. This is the systematic sale of children, typically for adoption by families in the developed world, though sometimes for other purposes such as trafficking. While child stealing can occur on the spur of the moment and at any place, child harvesting takes place at specific places like hospitals, and such locations can be termed baby farms or factories. In January this year, the Ghanaian Times carried a story in which two medical doctors, four nurses and five others had been arrested for allegedly selling two newborn babies at two private hospitals in Accra. Even though both baby stealing and child-harvesting are criminal, baby thieves can be shown some leniency because most of the time, the intent is to avoid societal pressure.