Fix energy problems for improved social and economic lives is how the Ghanaian Times captions its editorial. The paper observes with keen interest intermittent power outages and how current consumers experience low current and power surges. It contends that these problems disturb social and economic lives. Precisely to the Times, power fluctuations destroy household appliances with the attendant inconveniences and high cost of repair and replacement in most cases. According to the paper, what is more disturbing is that in spite of poor services from the energy providers, bills are rising. It says the appeal by the Minister of Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh to Ghanaians to remain calm while the problem is fixed is very important to consumers and while they wait, they have to take precautions that will help them. The paper appeals to the Energy Ministry to fix the problems since there are enough funds in the sector. Government should alsonot just address the current problems but assess what it can do pro-actively to prevent the recurrence of dumsor in any form or shape. To this end, the Times urges strict maintenance and replacement of old and weak transmission lines and machines.
The Daily Graphic commends the University of Cape Coast, UCC for offering a massive scholarship programme to needy students to enable them to obtain tertiary education. According to the paper, it is globally accepted that for any country to quicken the development pace, its gross tertiary enrolment ratio must reach forty percent. To the Graphic, Ghana as a country still has a long way to go as the national gross tertiary enrolment ratio stands at eighteen percent. The paper observes that tertiary education unfortunately does not come cheap with so many potential engineers, doctors and researchers unable to realise their dreams because of the cost element. It says it is aware that a number of tertiary institutions have some forms of scholarship for various categories of students to propel them to complete their course of study. In this regard, the Graphic gives thumbs up to the UCC for replicating this intervention in Ghana.