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ATU  launches 5-year strategic plan focusing on transformation

Accra Technical University, ATU has launched a five-year strategic plan aimed at transforming the institution into a modern research and educational institute that places premium on creativity and innovation. The strategic plan spells out 8 thematic areas the institution would from 2021 to 2025, focus on its vision to become the Premier Polytechnic in Ghana.
Speaking at the launch in Accra on October 11, 2021, the Deputy Education Minister, Rev. John Ntim Fordjour said Strategic Plan is a blueprint for real transformation.
“It is my firm belief and hope that this brilliant Strategic plan will not gather mold and dust, but will be implemented  and the implementation yielding real results that we hope to see in the transformation of this great institution“.
He encouraged other Technical Universities who have not yet done so to do so.
The strategic planning process was initiated by the Governing Council of the Technical University with the input of the Academic Board, Management and other stakeholders. This was in response to the changing trends in the global educational sector and to satisfy the requirements for the implementation of a performance contract that the Polytechnics signed with the Ministry of Education.
The Deputy Minister of Education, Rev. John Ntim Fordjour emphasized the importance of ATU’s Strategic Plan for tertiary education in  contributing to societal development. He encouraged Universities to foster linkages between academia and industry to know the skills  required and the challenges in order to meet demands.
 He added that, “ Accra Technical University is reputed for being a reliable partner to many industries and many industries continue look up to this great institution for professional skills.” He said as the strategic plan is being launched, there should be a closer look at the number of females in tertiary education. He expressed worry at the ratio between males and females in Tertiary Universities.” It is important to also take a look as we launch the strategic plan of Accra Technical University at the numbers and the participation of the girl child and females in tertiary education”.
Giving the objectives of the 5-year strategic plan that would end in 2025, Professor Samuel Nii Odai, Vice-Chancellor said it sets the important milestones for the University and what it needs to do to position the University on the path for sustainable growth in the current competitive era.
ATU’s Strategic Plan seeks to;
1. Enhancing Students Experience:
Develop and deliver quality programmes and services to prepare students for the world of work.
2. Impact-Oriented Research and Innovation:
Drive impact-oriented research and innovation for national development and global recognition.
3. Industry and Community Engagement:
Reinforce community engagement and drive industry collaboration to enhance ATU’s relevance nationally.
4. Internationalisation and the Visibility of the University:
Intensify international engagements to enhance collaborations, attract international students and improve visibility.
5. Availability of Appropriate Infrastructure and Systems:
Develop and maintain modern facilities and systems to drive ATU’s vision as a leading Technical University.
6. Quality and Motivated Human Resource and Effective Governance:
Attract, develop and retain high quality and motivated human resource at all levels, and promote efficient governance for effective service delivery.
7. Finance:
Intensify financial resource mobilisation and practice prudent financial management.
8. Staff Welfare and Support Services:
Provide services, facilities and amenities to improve the morale and performance of staff in a healthy and peaceful working environment.
The strategic plan has 8pillars that theUniversity seeks to achieve within the 5 years. The Summer School which is for all categories of staff begins on the 11th October and ends on 15th October 2021.

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