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CPP chastises government for seeking IMF intervention

CPP galvanizes base ahead of election 2024

The Convention People’s Party (CPP) has described government going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for support as a lazy approach.

For the CPP, the move is a short-term measure that cannot redeem the county’s damaged economy.

In a statement the Party says having gone to the IMF for a bailout 17 times, the current decision cannot be the magic wand to salvage the Ghanaian economy.

It says it is unfortunate that government requires an outside body like the IMF to hold them to a fiscal discipline regime where they will be forced to be prudent and to have a plan aimed at prioritizing spending. It called for an apology from the government for putting the country in a mess and reneging on all their promises to Ghanaians.

The Party finds the IMF and its programmes as neo-colonial and imperialist in nature with no indication to make life better for the Ghanaian.

The CPP says any IMF programme that government seeks to negotiate on behalf of Ghanaians must have the interest of the Nation at heart and promote and empower the People of Ghana economically in order not to impoverish citizens.

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