At the 50th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland a number of amendments and resolutions were adopted.
A poignant matter raised by an Expert in Human Rights and Democracy during a briefing session with journalists at the sidelines, is the fact that the role of journalists in contributing to the overall success of the UN mechanism cannot be overlooked.
As a Professor, he gave insight into his point of view and said it is “important for journalists to understand the processes in the UN Human Rights System, so as to articulate the issues that are pertinent to championing respect for the rights of all human beings.
Dr. Ballinas posed the question, “as journalists, how do you report the issues?” Opening room to the realization that individual ideological experiences and perceptions critically impact the information value chain”.
He reminded journalists of the overall role and responsibility in representing the views of all, especially the “marginalized who may not ever have the resources to represent their views at a decision-making space as the United Nations…but overall…decisions may impact the very lives of everyone across the globe”.
With support from the Permanent Mission of Denmark in Geneva, Switzerland, the Universal Rights Group convened a Media Engagement Programme for Journalists from across the World to the 50th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.