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Our target is to reduce voter apathy, says NCCE


By Jeremiah Nutsugah

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) revealed, in a press briefing on January 8, 2024, as part of the Constitution Day celebration, that their goal is to reduce voter apathy and increase citizen participation in this year’s general elections.

This engagement with the media is a component of the activities commemorating Constitution Day, dedicated to celebrating the 1992 constitution that has governed Ghana for the past 31 years. The theme for 2024 is “Together We Can Build Ghana, So Get Involved.”

“Our target is to reduce voter apathy, increase citizen participation, and rally citizens to make informed choices that will work in the collective interest,” stated the NCCE during the press briefing.

They emphasized that successful upcoming elections require a collective high sense of tolerance and responsibility towards every citizen in Ghana. Addressing the significance of the 2024 elections, they underscored the importance of citizens’ involvement, highlighting it as a critical year for all Ghanaians.

The NCCE spokesperson explained their commitment to utilizing allocated resources effectively, emphasizing their dedication to fulfilling their constitutional mandate to the best of their ability.

From the NCCE’s perspective, the 2024 elections will serve as a test case for the country’s political tolerance, religious tolerance, and respect for ethnic and cultural diversities.

They view 2024 as an opportunity to affirm political maturity and urged citizens to persevere despite the challenges faced.

The spokesperson pointed out that the NCCE has collaborated with other peace council stakeholders, including the National Peace Council and religious institutions, to advocate for the message of peace, tolerance, and national cohesion.

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