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ABANTU For Development launches project to increase electability opportunities for females in Election 2024

Members of ABANTU for Development in a group picture

By: Vivian Akua Amoah 

ABANTU for Development with  support from the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) has  launched a project with theme “Strengthening Activism for a Gender-Responsive Elections 2024 in Ghana”, launched on the 18th of April 2024 in Accra. 

The project is intended to increase the effectiveness of citizens actions for an inclusive, credible and peaceful general election 2024. 

The focus is on supporting joined-up intergenerational citizen initiative, at all levels of governance to secure the best gender equality outcomes for women and other marginalized groups. 

The project also seeks to ensure that higher level of national resources are directed towards addressing the perennial low representation of women and other marginalization groups in policy-making spaces through legislative remedies in this year’s election and beyond.

Madam Hillary Gbedemah, a member of the Commission on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women in her presentation charged the women to realign their activism  strategies to conform current trends.

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