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“The high cost of data will not allow the benefits of digitalization to be felt”- Samuel Yeboah

"The high cost of data will not allow the benefits of digitalization to be felt"- Samuel Yeboah

By Kafui Dey

In today’s digital age, access to affordable data is crucial for communication, education, and economic growth. However, for many Ghanaians, the high cost of data has become a significant barrier to participation in the digital landscape. This morning on #GTVBreakfast, Thelma Tackie hosted Kwadwo Sheldon, a YouTube personality and content creator, alongside Samuel Yeboah, founder of Tech In Twi and YouTuber/businessman, to discuss the challenges and effects of expensive data prices in Ghana.

Tech in Twi: Bridging the Gap

Samuel Yeboah, the visionary behind Tech in Twi, shared the journey of his platform. Tech in Twi began as an initiative to make technology more accessible to the local population by providing tutorials and tech news in the Twi language. “We started to ensure that no Ghanaian was left behind in the digital revolution,” Yeboah explained. “But the high cost of data is now a significant obstacle.”

Impact on Content Creation

For content creators like Kwadwo Sheldon, the high cost of data has directly impacted their ability to produce and share content. “We are spending 5000 cedis monthly on data,” Sheldon revealed. This exorbitant expense affects not only the creators but also the consumers. “We are suffering, not just us content creators but consumers as well,” he added.

Reduced Engagement and Financial Strain

Both guests highlighted a noticeable decline in engagement and views on their channels, attributing this to the rising data costs. “We are consuming the same data as previously but paying far more,” Yeboah noted. Sheldon echoed this sentiment, pointing out that the quality of service has also deteriorated. “Data speed is an issue now, and we are not getting value for money.”

Strategies and Alternatives

Despite these challenges, content creators are exploring alternative platforms and strategies to reach their audience. However, these are often limited by the same high data costs. “Are people nocturnal to only watch our videos at night because of expensive data?” Sheldon questioned, highlighting the absurdity of the current situation.

Call for Action

The conversation took a decisive turn as both guests called on authorities to address the high data costs. “The NCA and the Comms Ministry should sit down with the telcos to bring down data costs,” Sheldon urged. Yeboah emphasized the broader impact, stating, “The high cost of data will not allow the benefits of digitalization to be felt.”

Consumer Protection and Market Fairness

Sheldon also criticized the lack of price control and the subpar internet experience provided by telecom companies. “The telcos have taken us for granted because they know we will talk for one week and that’s it,” he said, advocating for sustained consumer advocacy and regulatory intervention. Yeboah added, “Consumers don’t need to suffer because the courts decided that MTN is a significant market power.”

Future Steps

As the discussion wrapped up, both Yeboah and Sheldon pledged to continue their campaign for affordable data. “We are going to sustain this campaign to bring down data prices,” Yeboah declared, indicating that the movement will not stop until there is tangible change.


The high cost of data in Ghana is a multifaceted issue affecting content creators, consumers, and the broader digital economy. The conversation on #GTVBreakfast underscored the urgent need for regulatory intervention and more affordable data solutions. As Samuel Yeboah aptly put it, “The high cost of data will not allow the benefits of digitalization to be felt.”

Watch full interview here:

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