28th August, 2019


The Daily Graphic says the successful implementation of the primary philosophy underpinning the Treasury Single Account (TSA) to ensure accountability of government revenue to avoid mismanagement of public funds depend on commercial banks and other financial institutions by ensuring that all public funds are moved to the central bank. The paper believes the account will enhance reconciliation of revenue collection and payments. The Graphic therefore urges government to address any challenges that will arise from the implementation and everything done to get it right since the TSA has the potential of revolutionalising public financial management for the benefit of the country.

The Ghanaian Times urges government and stakeholders in security to adopt a coherent and holistic approach to combating proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the country. The paper describes as worrying statistics from the Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons which indicate that many people are possessing arms illegally. The Times notes that apart from criminals using these weapons to perpetuate their nefarious activities, terrorists groups also take advantage of the porous borders within the sub region to smuggle such arms to harm innocent people. It believes stemming the flow of illicit weapons is key to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs.

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