The Computerised Schools Selection and Placement system is the focus of the Daily Graphic’s editorial. The paper believes it is high time innovative measures were deployed to address challenges confronting Senior High School placement. It says since there is always pressure on the choice of a few schools due to their status with many being denied admission. There is the need for more model schools so that they can be equally attractive to the students. This way, the problem of many being denied placement due to the numbers will be solved. The Graphic believes the whole exercise is a process and not an event, and calls on all partners to play their roles to make it effective.
The Ghanaian Times eulogises the late former president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. It says although his principled stance and defiance contributed to the state Zimbabwe finds itself, he will remain an African icon whose name would continue to linger on like that of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Nelson Mandela.