10th August, 2020


The Daily Graphic welcomes what it describes as the President’s swift intervention to give the 14 dismissed WASSCE candidates a second chance by allowing them to continue to write their examination. The paper says the President’s request is timely, particularly so because of the future of the students. The Graphic says it stands with the GES in its efforts to maintain discipline in the country’s schools. It says the examinations need to be conducted in a conducive environment devoid of malpractice in order not to undermine the credibility and integrity of the certificates awarded after the examination.

The Ghanaian Times says the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to audit ammonium nitrate facilities across the country is long overdue. The Paper says it can cite countless instances of negligence on the part of other State institutions because those in charge of such organisations love quick talk, but fail to act for the good of the people they are supposed to serve. The EPA has already served notice to stakeholders in the storage of ammonium nitrate to strictly observe all protocols for the safe storage of the chemical. It also asks the public to keep away from such storage areas. The Times is of the opinion that since life is lost forever and injuries can maim people to their permanent hurt, institutions of State so mandated must ensure the safety of life and property, as well as be on their toes always so that even if a disaster erupts, they can be absolved.

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