14th August, 2020


The Ghanaian Times congratulates the Ga people on chalking up another milestone especially Homowo amid COVID -19 . The paper paper urges the people to reminisce on the hard work that led to the bumper harvest and translate it into the present efforts to support the development of the country.

The Daily Heritage add its voice to calls to end politics of insult. The paper believes the time has come for the country to change course from the dreadful, destructive and immoral kind of politics for the youth to grow up to be responsible leaders. It says calls by the NDC flagbearer John Dramani has come at the right time and must therefore urge its party faithful to stick to his call and assurance whatever the situation may be. The Paper is of the view that indeed should the NDC leader and his running mate stick to this call, it would be another remarkable feat in addition to the already widely applauded choice of a potential first female Vice President. The Daily Heritage therefore urges all Ghanaians to stand up against politics of insults and desist from supporting the growing number of hatchet men and women whose claims to political frame are insults, stark indecency and violence.

The Daily Graphic is appalled by the growing disregard or patronage of footbridges. The paper finds this development most disturbing because it is becoming increasingly clear that some Ghanaians are highly indisciplined and do not care about their safety and as such are prepared to risk their lives all in the name of haste. However, when there is a problem they turn back to blame government. Citing the abandoned Adentan-Madina Highway footbridge as an example, the Graphic calls on all responsible for checking this anomaly particularly the police to be up to the task.

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