18th September, 2020


The Daily Graphic commends all political actors for the zeal they have shown in taking part in the political processes, thereby deepening the country’s multi-party democracy. However, the Paper  insists  that political parties, especially the smaller ones, must play an enhanced role.  Unfortunately, the Graphic says it  does  not see that happening, with the political space largely left to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC). The Paper  says it  expects the smaller parties to do more during non-election years to further improve the country’s governance process. It says, it wants policies that will bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, create opportunities for the youth to thrive and also build national cohesion.

The Ghanaian Times  shares in the view of the Head of Civil Service that civil servants must remain politically neutral. Head of the Civil Service Agyekum Dwamena  yesterday (September 17) at the  launch of the 2020 Civil Service Week  cautioned civil servants against engaging in partisan politics ahead of the 2020 polls. He warned that any civil servant found to be engaging in  open campaign for any political party will be sanctioned in line with the conduct of the Service. The Times finds this caution welcome news  saying as a government machinery that is supposed to serve the state, it will be suicidal to become the wind of any party in or out of government. The Paper calls on all personnel of the service to heed the counsel of the Head of the Civil Service and work in the supreme interest of the country rather than any political grouping.

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