19th November, 2020


The Daily Graphic says the launch of an Endowment Fund by the Ghana Library Authority,(GLA) to enable it to have sustainable revenue to run public libraries is a step in the right direction. The Paper says to have a country of literates; it is important that Corporate Society supports the Library Authority. It hopes that revamping and restocking Public Libraries will rekindle in the youth, the desire to patronize libraries. The Paper commends GLA for renovating forty-three out of the initial sixty-one public libraries and the increase in the number of books as this will bring back the love people had for public libraries.


The Ghanaian Times commends Child’s Rights International for conducting a study into the digital platforms for education after the outbreak of Covid-19. The report says the distance learning programme has not been effective, as it reached only five percent of children in the Bono, Ahafo, Ashanti, Western and Eastern Regions, while television and radio covered thirty-two percent of the children. The Paper says  teaching and learning should not remain conservative as has been in the past with lessons drawn from Covid-19. The Times cautions parents not to make children beasts of burden, but seek their assistance where necessary, respecting their rights to health and well-being. The Paper urges all to contribute to make the learning process a success.

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