27th November, 2020


The Daily Graphic expresses fear of a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country since it will have a devastating effect on the economy. It says loss of jobs has serious repercussions not only socially and economically, but also on national security. To this end the paper appeals to Ghanaians to change their taste and preference in favour of locally produced goods as a way of ensuring that local companies thrive. The Graphic supports calls from the survey for policies to support firms in both long and short terms. It says the impact of Covid-19 on the economy should serve as a wake-up call for all to join hands with government to ensure that collectively the pandemic is brought under control.

The Ghanaian Times commends the security agencies and the NCCE for embarking on a peace march dubbed “TafiyaLafiya” to educate the public on the need to exercise their franchise and assuring them of a peaceful environment. The paper urges all to continuously guard the peace in the country as has been demonstrated over the years. The Times encourages the electorate to come out in their numbers to show once more their capability and to choose leaders in a very orderly and peaceful manner.

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