31st August, 2019


The Daily Graphic sees the introduction of the new school uniform for public Junior High School (JHS) students to be in the right direction and its happy the implementation will take three years before the current uniform is completely phased off. In this regard, the paper sounds a caution particularly to the management of the schools not to deny any JHS student the right of education simply because the child does not have the new uniform. It says, it will be a grave injustice to students and a defeat to the policy change if school administration flouts the rules of engagement. The Graphic encourages a jaw-jaw approach to get the local manufacturers on board. It says since the policy takes three years to be fully implemented, there is still room for local manufacturers to take advantage of the benefits. The paper believes the importance, significance and potentially positive impact of the new uniforms should not be overshadowed by debates and accusations. Thus all hands must be on deck to make the policy change functional and real.

In the face of the continuous murder of police personnel by armed men, the Ghanaian Times thinks the police should adopt a body armour policy to compel personnel on duty to wear protective gear while on operational duties at all times since many fatalities on-the-job are due to assaults with firearms. The paper urges the police to as a matter of urgency to strictly implement this policy so that police personnel are protected from fatal attacks by criminals.

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