31st October, 2019


The Daily Graphic believes that all malls must always ensure that their security cameras are functioning. Shopping facilities such as the West Hills Mall occupy very large acre such that ensuring total security for patrons all the time may be an uphill task. It is for this reason that the paper suggests that management begins to look at providing police security posts, not only to apprehend miscreants but also serve as coordinating centres in case of emergencies. The Graphic is of the view that there is the need to have metal detectors at all entrances to screen visitors saying it will also be ideal to have a fire service station close by if not on the premises of the mall as well as a clinic, and standby generator.

The Ghanaian Times commends government for approving a two hundred million credit facility for the proposed Greater Accra Re-salient and Integrated Development (GARID) project. The facility which is being contracted from the International Development Association (IDA), is expected to be utilised for the improvement of the drainage and sanitation in the nation’s capital. The paper applauds government for the bold step to boost the efforts of city authorities to work towards attaining the target of Accra becoming the cleanest city in Africa. The Times is hopeful that Parliament would approve the facility quickly to enable the four ministries charged with executing the project to begin as soon as possible.

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