3rd July, 2020


The Ghanaian Times lauds the partnership track between the media and the Police in launching a framework to ensure the safety of Journalists. It says it is almost impossible to exclude the media from any developmental agenda as it plays a pivotal role in informing and educating the public. The paper expresses disappointment for the fact that, some Police and Military men have subjected some journalists to brutal assaults for merely doing their work.  It believes the partnership is long overdue because the media and the police have a common goal in promoting transparency, rule of law and protecting fundamental freedom and human rights and therefore needed to have created this partnership long ago to achieve their common goal.

The Daily Graphic expresses the need for a robust legal education in the country. The paper applauds the General Legal Council and the National Accreditation Board (NAB), for being bold in releasing the outcome of the 2019 monitoring and evaluation exercise which exposed a number of lapses in ten law faculties in the country. It says the damning outcome of this exercise necessitated the Legal Council to direct the affected facilities to either reduce the intake of students admitted to the law programme or take steps to improve on their ability to deliver quality and holistic education in undergraduate law.  According to the paper, the outcome of the exercise no doubt, has lent credence to the concerns raised the immediate past Chief Justice, Justice Sophia Akuffo, that standards were falling in legal education which was justified by the massive failure of students in their Bar examination. The Graphic says the country cannot afford, to train half baked lawyers to come out to administer Justice for all as that will surely be a recipe for disaster.

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