3rd September, 2020


THE DAILY HERITAGE asks that a stimulus package be made available to private teachers. This is because it believes they play a very crucial role in the upbringing of the country’s future leaders, and if they are disadvantaged now because they belong to the private sector, it might be seen as harsh treatment. The paper notes that while their counterparts in the public sector are constantly drawing salaries, private school teachers are left to wallow in cold poverty for circumstances beyond their control. It is therefore imperative that government takes a second look at the plight of private school owners and workers in that space by giving them interest-free loans and other relief packages to cushion them.

THE GHANAIAN TIMES advocates that the Keta Water project which the president cut the sod for should not stall as other water projects. The Paper hopes for the timely execution of the project. This is because there are a number of projects which have been heralded by funfair but have stalled for several reasons and the Times wishes this does not happen to the Keta project.  The Times says the completion of the project would not only bring relief to residents in and outside Keta but also help the country draw closer to achieving the SDG on water and sanitation.

THE DAILY GRAPHIC wades into the MTN-NCA brouhaha on the Significant Market Player issue. To the Paper, there is the need to move with the times and consider the issue as a peculiar one which deserves special attention and not one that can only be seen as punitive. The Graphic says the reclassification of MTN as a significant Market Player may not just curtail the growth of the company but have dire consequences on the positioning of the country as an investor-friendly economy by sending wrong signals to prospective investors.

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