The Daily Graphic describes the xenophobic attacks in South Africa as worrying and calls for swift intervention to help nib in the bud such criminal activities for a peaceful global community. It urges government to take the development seriously and constantly monitor events in that country to ensure the safety of Ghanaians. The Graphic believes the happenings has the potential of creating diplomatic row between South Africa and other African countries as well as thwart the integration agenda that Africa is pursuing. The paper calls on all African countries to put their hands to the wheels to save the situation.
The Ghanaian Times adds its voice to the call by the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) President to media fraternity to offer its platform for Ghanaians to fully understand the need for the referendum and participate in it as it is barely three months away. The Paper is of the view that although the media’s role is crucial to the success of the referendum and the district level elections, all other stakeholder’s, including, the Ministry of Local Government and civil society must partner the media to set the agenda for the public. The Times is optimistic that collaboration of various stakeholders will play an important role for the successful outcome of the referendum and the district level elections.