7th October, 2020


The Daily Graphic supports the digitization of Public records. It says it is heartening that the Public Records and Archives Administration Department (PRAAD) has completed the digitization of five thousand records. The paper says although PRAAD and Public libraries which are accessible are excluded from the demands of the Right to information Act 2019, Act 989, these institutions should stay relevant even as the act is implemented. The Graphic says it is looking forward to seeing the entire public archival and records system digitized for all to access. However, without efficient and effective digitization and archiving system the country will lose out on this advantage.

The Ghanaian Times salutes teachers as Ghana joined the world to celebrate world teacher’s day. It supports the view that, a teacher affects eternity as they have influence over who every professional becomes. It says though COVID-19 has affected the education process and created challenges for teachers across the world, they have been dedicated to their profession by creating online platforms where students can learn while observing the protocols. The paper urges Ghanaians to support teachers everywhere in the country to continue to deliver in the midst of the pandemic, so that the burden posed by the COVID-19 on the teaching profession can be lessened.

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