Editorials: 18 July 2020


THE GHANAIAN TIMES discusses the dilemma of the authorities on whether to close down schools or still allow the children to stay in schools in the midst of the coronavirus.  Four Teacher Unions including the Teacher and Educational Workers’ Union, National Association of Graduate Teachers, NAGRAT, Ghana National Association of Teachers, GNAT, Coalition of Concerned Teachers, CCT-GH, and the National Parent Teacher Association of Ghana have demanded the closure of schools and suspension of the impending examination to avert spread of the disease. Whiles Child Rights International, CRI recommends that science or medical evidence and not emotions must form the basis for the closure of schools in the country. The Paper takes no position on the arguments raised but is in complete agreement with calls that any decision on whether or not schools should be closed down must be based solely on scientific data. The paper therefore calls for calm as the country navigates through these difficult storms which have impacted negatively on all aspect of life.

THE DAILY GRAPHIC says, the use of modern technology has geared up banking activities especially in enhancing speed.  It says though this is of great advantage, it has increased the risk of data breaches. The paper says banks must view the development as a wake-up call to stay alert to foil any attempt on their systems.  It says the downside of technology is that fraudsters will always try to break into systems of banks. The Graphic urges the Ghana Association of Bankers (GAB) and Cyber Security strategists to build a complex transaction structure that will enable them to detect fraudulent deals no matter the extent to which the hackers strike into their systems.

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