Editorials: 22nd July, 2020


THE GHANAIAN TIMES: finds it disturbing that the voter registration being conducted by the EC to offer eligible Ghanaians the opportunity to vote in the December 7 Election is degenerating into violence in some parts of the country. The Paper wonders why confusion and violence like that involving the MP for Awutu Senya East, are happening at some registration centres, when there are laid down procedures to address grievances. The Times urges the security agencies to step up their intelligence gathering, especially at hotspots across the country to nip in the bud, any problem that is likely to escalate and compromise the security of the country.


THE DAILY GRAPHIC : finds it appalling that residents of Galilee in the Ga South Municipality in Greater Accra are reportedly choking to death as a result of hazardous chemicals from a dumping site positioned in the middle of the community. Poor sanitation and non-existent municipal solid waste management, have contributed to pollution and unsightly conditions which hinder economic development and cause public health problems. The situation according to the Paper, has been heightened at this period when the nation is seriously fighting against the spread of Covid-19. The Graphic believes there is the need for better enforcement of environmental regulations and sanitation bye laws to prevent, for instance, the illegal dumping of solid waste in residential areas.

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