Youth Parliament takes peace messages to Kanvili residents


The Sagnarigu Youth Parliament (SYP) has undertaken a campaign against violence in Kanvili community in the Sagnarigu Municipality of the Northern region ahead of the December 7 general elections.

The campaign was to encourage residents in the area to ensure they lived in peace and harmony before, during and after the presidential and parliamentary elections. It was jointly organised by the YEFL Ghana, Northern Regional Office of the National Youth Authority (NYA), Songtaba and Nazi Zology Art.

Mr. Issahaku Abdul-Latif, the Speaker of the SYP, said at this time of electioneering activities, it was important that the peace messages got to the people to prevent them from engaging in any form of violence before, during and after the 2020 elections.

“We have only one nation to protect and so it is our duty as youth peace ambassadors to intensify the campaign that seeks to bring unity and peaceful coexistence among citizens in this period of elections.

“Without peace, the country cannot develop and so we are appealing to every voter and political party sympathizers to be tolerant to each other so that we can continue to enjoy the peace we have always had,” he said. Mr. Mohammed Mahama, Secretary to the Chief of Kanvili, lauded the SYP for the steps to sensitize residents on the importance of peace in nation-building.

“Peace is a very important tool if we want to prosper as a country, so this year’s elections, just as any other year, we have to uphold the peaceful atmosphere we have now so that there will be the development we desire as a people,” he noted.

Some of the residents commended the youth group for the initiative and said they were ready to ensure peace in the community and its environs.

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