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Accra: Ushering 2023 from Pubs and Night Clubs



As a tradition some holiday makers chose to usher in 2023 from merry making points.

This celebration is rekindled by the joy from being alive to witness and enter the next year.

However, it becomes more intense for persons from all religious and cultural backgrounds when resolutions for that past year is fulfilled.

For many, “31st Night” is a remarkable moment to aim higher for the next year, and pray for grace and life in the next year.

While the night is mostly hailed by Christians in church, the streets  are a place for convergence.

The atmosphere reminded partying in the streets, at night clubs, drinking spots and pubs, with family, and friends, while children made merry with knockouts and games.

Some shared some achievements in 2022 and resolutions for 2023.

“I will say 2022 has been a perfect year for me no matter what and I am expecting 2023 to be more perfect for me than the previous year.”

“2022 has been tough but we wish 2023 will be better.”

“Life is very important than anything, We enter the year with many people but they didn’t end it with us, I didn’t expect to see the new year. I’m grateful for life so I don’t need any expectations when there is life there is hope”, as posited by revelers from the streets of Accra as Ghana ushered in 2023.

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