China is trying to put the brakes on a trend towards increasingly lavish weddings and pre-wedding pranks which can often become violent or sexualised.
Authorities have said modern weddings are both too extravagant and against Chinese and socialist values.
The traditional “hazing” rituals couples are put through have also often been getting out of control.
Beijing’s suggested answer is to try to standardise ceremonies to a more traditional and simple format.
People in China, as in many countries, have increasingly found themselves competing with neighbours and friends over weddings, and caught up in spiralling spending as bigger weddings become the fashion.
That means expensive receptions, elaborate outfits and overseas wedding photo shoots, pulling out all the stops no matter the cost.
Guests are also expected to bring ever more lavish gifts.
Meanwhile the tradition of playing pranks on the bride and groom – originally meant as a way of helping them relax on their big day – has often been getting out of hand.
There are regular news reports of wedding-goers carrying out humiliating or violent pranks which have crossed the line into assault.
Last week, a bridegroom was hit by a car while trying to escape the pre-wedding ritual which involved him being tied up and beaten.
One week before, several bridesmaids were injured by broken glass when the groom’s party tried to get into the bride’s house by breaking the door with an axe