Meet Efia Abu and the Drömbandet

Efia Abu

Efia is a Sweden-based singer and songwriter with roots in southern Sweden and Kumasi, Ghana. Being Afro-Seed in small-town 90’s Sweden, Efia grew up struggling with identity. In her teens, she started a transformational journey exploring cultural expressions from the African diaspora as well as from the Nordic countries, creating new ways to relate to her mixed roots. The exploration led her to a new understanding of the beauty and power of both her African and Nordic roots. The diversity of cultural influences is mirrored in her music and offered to the listener alongside insights, revelations, and reflections from her own spiritual journey. Efia is an artist who radiates warmth, openness, and authenticity. Some artists who have inspired Efia are Sam Cooke, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, and Ms. Lauryn Hill.

Drömbandet, the fabulous band accompanying Efia on her musical journey, was formed in 2021 in Malmö. Every musician has been handpicked by Efia because of their outstanding qualities both as musicians and as people. The band has two different settings. The original setting features Felisia Westberg (flute, backing vocals), Isak Strand (electric guitar, backing vocals), Erik Stoltz (electric bass), Cuneyd Kocalp (drums), and Johan Edgren. The extended setting adds Rasmus Snögren (keyboard), Ludvig Nordgren (saxophone), Göran Abelli (trombone), and Christian Mellblom (trumpet) to the group, forming a 10-piece band.

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