Renowned actor Kofi Adjorlolo mourns the loss of beloved brother Schubert

Renowned actor Kofi Adjorlolo mourns the loss of beloved brother Schubert

By Ruth Adjorlolo

The Adjorlolo, Hiadzi and allied families are mourning the loss of Schubert Rodrick Kofi Adjorlolo, the beloved brother of renowned actor Kofi Adjorlolo. Schubert passed away on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, at the age of 74, after a short illness.

Schubert’s life was a testament to the power of family and relationships, despite the challenges he faced. From his teenage days, Schubert struggled to find joy in life, but his loved ones remained a constant source of support and comfort. Though he may not have experienced the happiness he deserved, his family is grateful to God for the time they had with him. His loving siblings, including Kofi Adjorlolo, will deeply miss him.

Schubert is survived by his siblings, Mrs. Judith Kokui Ofori, Mad Mary Abui Adjorlolo, Rev. Mrs. Emma Essie Sepah, Kofi Adjorlolo, Prof Dr Mrs. Alberta Ama Aryee, and Ruth Adjorlolo, as well as his cousin, Dr. Edem Hiadzi. His family will cherish the memories they shared with him and continue to celebrate his life.

In all things, we give thanks to God for the gift of Schubert’s life, and for the lessons he taught us about perseverance no matter how ugly the situation .

The burial service will take place at The EPCG Good Shepherd Lashibi on September 7, 2024, followed by a private burial and final funeral rites. Schubert’s legacy of love and kindness will live on through those who knew him. Rest in peace, dear Schubert.

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