Endless Hardship: The Tale of Ga North’s Infamous Abensu-Mayera Road


By: Nana Kwame Bediako 

In the heart of Ga North Municipality lies the Abensu-Mayera road, a stretch that has become synonymous with hardship and frustration for its residents. Over the last few decades, the road has deteriorated significantly, leaving the community grappling with a host of challenges. 

The most pressing issue is the plight of drivers, who find themselves frequently stuck on this treacherous path as they attempt to commute to work. The deteriorating condition of the road has turned daily commutes into a nightmare, affecting not just the drivers but also the broader community that relies on this vital artery.

The root cause of this deplorable state of affairs can be traced to the inertia of elected leaders, who have consistently overlooked the importance of addressing the road’s condition. Despite numerous pleas and protests from the community, the road has remained a low priority on the municipal agenda. This negligence has had far-reaching consequences, not only impeding the free flow of traffic but also contributing to a decline in the quality of life for residents. 

One striking example of the road’s impact is the daily ordeal faced by commercial drivers. Many of them find themselves stuck in the mud or navigating through potholes that resemble craters. This not only delays their trips but also leads to increased wear and tear on their vehicles, escalating maintenance costs. The ripple effect of these delays is felt by passengers who rely on timely transportation to get to work, school, or other essential destinations.

Dust pollution is another significant issue stemming from the poor condition of the Abensu-Mayera road. During the dry season, the road becomes a major source of dust, which blankets the surrounding areas. This has serious health implications, particularly for those with respiratory issues. The constant exposure to dust can exacerbate conditions such as asthma and bronchitis, making it imperative for a solution to be found.

The congestion on the road is yet another problem that compounds the frustrations of the residents. The narrow, uneven lanes often lead to traffic jams, especially during peak hours. This not only wastes valuable time but also contributes to increased fuel consumption and emissions, further impacting the environment. 

The only viable solution to these myriad issues lies in a system of leadership that is committed to addressing the problem head-on. A comprehensive plan to upgrade the road infrastructure would go a long way towards alleviating the daily struggles of the community. Such a plan would involve not just the resurfacing of the road but also the installation of proper drainage systems to prevent waterlogging during the rainy season.

The community’s call for action is not just about convenience but about improving the overall quality of life. It’s about ensuring that children can get to school on time, that workers can reach their jobs without undue stress, and that the elderly can move around safely. The road is more than just a pathway; it’s a lifeline for the community.

Improving the road would have multiple benefits, as it would reduce tension on public transportation by ensuring smoother and faster commutes. With a well-maintained road, the problem of dust pollution could be significantly mitigated, leading to better health outcomes for the residents. A properly planned road network would help reduce congestion, making travel more efficient and less stressful.

The Abensu-Mayera road’s condition is a glaring example of how infrastructure neglect can have a domino effect on various aspects of daily life. Addressing this issue requires a committed leadership that prioritises the well-being of its citizens. By tackling the road’s problems head-on, the Ga North Municipal Assembly can pave the way for a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous future for the community. 

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