By Gertrude Tandoh
ACP Hills is a suburb of Pokuase located some five-minute drive from the Pokuase township and about an hour drive from Accra.
It is home to several homeowners.
The beacon of this community is the hospitable nature of its inhabitants as community members see each other as family and do not hesitate to offer assistance to a neighbor.

There are a few estate housing in the enclave just as the ACP Estate, which is located at the foot of ACP Hills and also some schools to serve as a learning center for the community children.
A neighborhood watchdog headlines this harmonious community as we are each other’s keepers.

What highlights the community the most is the fact that the children, most noticeably the boys, take to the streets in the community with some few girls to play football, which is the favourite sport of the community as it delights the young and old alike because the children are always a joy to watch.
Furthermore, with the steadily growing population in this community, more homes have sprung up, adding to the atmosphere of the community.

There are quite a few churches with mosques dotted around strategic places in the community.
Also, due to the location of the community, water has been a challenge in this community, with some residents relying on wells and the rain.

The few fortunate ones can have boreholes in their homes and tend to serve the community as a reliable water source.

During festivities, we celebrate it as a family as we share fond memories for posterity.
Nonetheless, the community members also serve as a shoulder to cry on during hard times, such as duing bereavement.
There is even a shop where many community members converge to talk about themselves and what to do to help the community to move forward.