GBC Ghana Online

GTV Cares initiative gains momentum as donors rally to aid Akosombo and Kpong dam victims

Ghana Broadcasting Corporation’s call on philanthropists and organisations to donate relief items for the victims of the spillage of excess water from the Akosombo and Kpong dams, through its GTV Cares, is receiving positive responses.

A businessman, Christian Dzamesi, and his family came to the Broadcasting House in Accra to donate bags of clothing and toiletries to the victims.

He told GBC News that he and his family were touched by the plight of those affected by the spillage, hence the decision to donate the items.

Also, an 80-year-old man, Alfred Adu, touched by the plight of spillage-affected victims, donated dresses, shoes, and towels.

More than 20,000 people have so far been displaced in parts of Greater Accra, Volta and Eastern regions.

Small, and Medium Enterprises have equally been inundated.

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