By: Henrietta Avollah Afful and Rachel Kakraba
The Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC) has called for the exemption of taxes and port clearance levies for HIV commodities and supplies.
This, the Ghana AIDS Commission believes will help mitigate the numerous challenges which include funding in the national HIV and AIDS response strategy.
The Commission says more funding is needed for the National HIV and AIDS response.
The call was made when the Ghana AIDS Commission joined thousands of workers who braved bad weather on Wednesday May 1 to mark the 2024 May Day celebration at the Independence Square in Accra.

Some of the placards held at the event included, “Exempt HIV and AIDS commodities from taxes and levies”, “More funding is needed for the national HIV and AIDS response” among others.
The 2020-2025 estimates results project HIV prevalence to reduce from 1.68% to 1.45% by 2025. The 2020 National HIV and AIDS Estimates and Projections adds that “new infections and AIDS related deaths are projected to decrease within the same period due to increased uptake of ART services.”

However, these projections would not be attainable if tax exemption waiver systems are not put in place to curtail needless delays in clearing HIV commodities and supplies including Antiretroviral medicines (ARVs).
The Ghana AIDS Commission encourages all especially workers to pave the way for a healthier tomorrow by knowing their HIV status by getting tested.