10 months media training for journalists opens in Beijing


Ghana is among 49 African and Asia-Pacific countries, taking part in a ten month media training and cultural exchange fellowship, for journalists, in Beijing, China.

The program forms part of China’s efforts at deepening ties and cooperation with Africa, and the rest of the world, for mutual benefit.

Since 2014, the China Africa Press Center and the Asia Pacific Press Center, under the auspices of the China Public Diplomacy Association have regularly offered a 10 month media and cultural exchange fellowship to journalists, from African and Asia Pacific countries.

For the 2019 programme, 50 journalists, from 49 African and Asia-Pacific countries are participating.

The journalists will cover major political and diplomatic events, exchange best practices with Chinese media outlets and academics, visit Chinese provinces and cities and explore traditional Chinese culture.

The Vice President of the China Public Diplomacy Association, Mr. Hu Xhengyue, believes that after the 10 months of exchange, participating journalists will have an in-depth understanding of China’s situation, and become bridges for promoting relations between China and their countries.

Participating countries include Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Egypt, Ethiopia, São Tomé and Principe, Malawi, Sudan, The Gambia, Mali, Angola, Somalia, Cambodia, South Africa and Algeria.

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