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Child Labour: Expedite action on policies, commitments and engagements to achieve SDG-8 – Andrews Tagoe

Child Labour: Expedite action on policies, commitments and engagements to achieve SDG-8 - Andrews Tagoe

Deputy General Secretary of the General Agricultural Workers’ Union, GAWU, Andrews Addoquaye Tagoe, says achieving a Ghana without Child Labour by 2025 is possible if all stakeholders intensify efforts to end the menace.

He said the country must recognise the responsibility it has and take action to ensure their well being.

Child Labour: Expedite action on policies, commitments and engagements to achieve SDG-8 - Andrews Tagoe

Mr. Addoquaye Tagoe, said though Ghana has made strides in curbing child labour, the situation seemed to be pervasive in some key areas including the agricultural sector where majority of trafficked children are forced into labour or opting for it.

Mr Tagoe, in an interview with the GNA said 70% of children found labouring in the agricultural sector were found on the Volta Lake and other fishing Communities.

Child Labour: Expedite action on policies, commitments and engagements to achieve SDG-8 - Andrews Tagoe

The Sustainable Development Goal Eight demands that countries meet the target of eliminating the worst forms of child labour, and by 2025 end it in all forms.

“The Ghana Living Standard Survey in 2014 said 21% of children were in a form of child labour and one out of every five children was in child labour.

Also in 2021, the International Labour Organisation and United Nations Children’s Fund estimated that about 160 million children were in child labour with more than half the number in Africa.

Mr. Tagoe said the Government, institutions and agencies, Community Leaders, parents and guardians ought to expedite actions on policies, commitments and engagements to achieve the SDG-8.


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