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From village to leadership: Boadu-Ayeboafo chronicles journey in ‘Akyere’ book launch 

Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafo.

By Gloria Amoh 

The chairman of the National Media Commission (NMC), Mr. Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafo, has launched a book titled ‘Akyere’. 

At the book launch, Mr. Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafo delivered an engaging speech detailing his life story. The book delves into his life, career, and contributions to media development and freedom in Ghana. He  highlighted how growing up in a small Ghanaian village where a unique stream, ‘Akyere’ remained constant through the changing seasons, never drying up even during the harshest droughts. He emphasised that one of the important lessons he has carried with him is about the power of influence. 

He indicated that he accepted responsibility and understood it wasn’t about simply following instructions or being subservient. But rather, it is about performing the job as it should be done. He described that this shows that when people in positions of authority take their responsibilities seriously, they can protect the integrity of the process. In doing so, they reinforce the core of our democracy. Mr. Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafo stated that, however, if we neglect our responsibilities and later shift the blame to others, we undermine the democratic values we all strive for. 

“This was a key motivation behind writing my book.”

He underscored that ultimately, he takes responsibility for his actions, and it is easy to blame others, but in the end, we all have the power to make a difference by fulfilling our duties. As the only one among his siblings to pursue formal education, he faced doubts from his family but stayed focused, determined to rise above his circumstances.

He concluded that, through persistence and hard work, he eventually became the head of the National Media Commission (NMC). His autobiography reflects on his journey, offering a story of resilience, determination, and the belief that no matter where you start, with effort, you can achieve success. Like the Akyere stream, his spirit has endured and continues to inspire others to overcome adversity and strive for greatness. 

The book launch was held on August 29, 2024, at the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences in Accra. 

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