Patronage in the nationwide biometric voter registration exercise was today encouraging in the Western North Region, according to a visit to some registration centers. The centers were provided with the PPEs and the registrants observed social distancing protocol.
There were also security personnel around to assist as and when their services are required.
At the Sefwi Wiawso Information Centre, 25 people had been registered as at 10:50 a.m. At the Police Office Registration Centre, 42 had been captured as of 10:55 a.m. At the old Commercial Bank, 30 eligible Voters had been registered as at 11 a.m. At the Nakams One and Two Registration Centres, 74 people had been captured as at 11:05 a.m. Other places visited include the Anglican Primary and Nakams Workshop.
In an interview with GBC’s correspondent, the Western North Regional Director of the EC, Godwin Tawiah Okley, said the exercise is starting at 112 registration centers Tuesday, June 30, in all the nine districts and municipalities in the region.
He noted that where there were some deficiencies, he quickly advised the officials to make the necessary amends especially on the observance of social distancing due to the novel COVID-19.