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Drivers and commuters stranded at diversion point of Bolga – Bawku-Pulmakom road

Drivers and commuters plying the Bolga-Bawku- Pulmakom road in the upper east region which is under construction are not happy with the state of the road, which they have been compelled to endure.

The diversions that were created by the contractor to aid vehicular traffic and to make way for smooth construction work have done more harm than good to motorists and commuters. The road is now in a very deplorable state.

On rainy days, it becomes so muddy that vehicles get stuck.

The road users and residents around the diversion this morning got frustrated by the day. Motorists and vehicles, especially the heavy vehicles that ply the diverted Bolgatanga-Bawku- Pulmakom road got  stranded.

The area that pose the most challenge to users is the red  Volta at Tilli  to Nangodi  stretch. The worrying aspect, motorists say, is that the contractor does not seem to bother about the plight of the affected people.

Osman Bukari, a driver, says quite a good number of cars get stuck on a daily basis and on each occasion efforts to get the contractor’s help has always proved unsuccessful.

He added that even when stranded, drivers who intend to ask for help from the constructor normally do not find him.

The road serves as a major linking route to neighbouring Togo and Burkina Faso. On a daily basis, about 60 articulated trucks ply this road carrying onions, animals, cotton and other general goods to and from Ghana.

The journey from Bolga to Bawku ordinarily should take approximately 35minutes.

However, the current state of the road makes things hard for drivers.

Meanwhile last two weeks His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo told the Bawku Naba, Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II at his palace that the Contractor Quieroz Galvao was back that day to continue the constructions on the road and will not leave site till the road is fixed.

Residents and commuters are appealing to members of Parliament in the Kusaug area and for that matter government to as a matter of urgency intervene by making the contractor resurface the diverted portions to salvage the situation.

The Bolgatanga-Bawku road project was awarded to Queiroz Galvao Construction firm by the erstwhile John Mahama administration.


Story by Samuel Ayammah

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