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Gov’t urged to establish Sanitation Authority

The Media Coalition against Open Defecation (M-CODE) and stakeholders in the Sanitation sector have met to discuss the way forward in the implementation of National Sanitation Authority (NSA).

The Coalition expressed worry over the establishment of the Authority which has been stalled for about two years.

Speaking at the Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, and M-CODE Media Engagement on the Proposed National Sanitation Authority and Way Forward, stakeholders asked government to pass the NSA bill, which they think will be a plus for Ghana in the drive for a cleaner and healthier environment.

They said they will continue to push for the agenda, untiI it is  implemented.

The establishment of the National Sanitation Authority was announced by the President in November 2017 at the launch of a National Sanitation Campaign.

A draft bill was submitted to Cabinet for review and later to parliament for approval but it is yet to get the nod. 

At the media engagement, stakeholders debated  the usefulness of an NSA in Ghana. According to a Convener of M-CODe,  Emmanuel Addai for close to two years now, there has been limited information about the status of the draft bill.

”We have waited for two years,we don’t know much about what has happened.We have also noticed as media coalition that the idea about the National Sanitation Authority has not been discussed adequately in the public domain.The Media coalition against open defecation ,we also interested in the National Sanitation Authority,that Authority when  they come we think they will deal with the open defecation menance that has been bordering us for years.”

Research, Advocacy and Policy Influencing Lead at Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, Dr. Tanko Yussif Azzika said the need for the establishment of NSA must not be underestimated.

In a speech read on his behalf, the Minister, Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Dapaah was hopeful the NSA will address some of the challenges in the sanitation sector.

“Six millions of Ghanaians are defecating as we talk now,so the need for sanitation Authority cannot underscored why because it will help sector  guidance and coordination ,it might also play a regulatory as well as an implementing role if we have such facility.”

“Government is very much poised to tackle the sanitation challenge head on.There is the urgent need for a national body to take the overall responsibility of sanitation in Ghana…This National body will ensure that  the require legal framework for the achievement of cleaner and healthier environment is in place under one body.”

Stakeholders at the media engagement proposed that the NSA when established, should be independent and well structured to tackle the sanitation issues well.

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