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NADMO intensifies rescue efforts following torrential rains in Wa

Residents of Wa in the Wa Municipality of the Upper West Region are counting their loses after yesterday’s rain which resulted in floods.

Houses and streets in the regional capital, Wa flooded causing damage to people’s personal property and displacing others. Radio Ghana’s Correspondent Sualah Abdul-wahab reports that though the rain caused damage to people’s personal belongs there are no recorded cases of deaths.

The rain started around two O’clock yesterday afternoon and ended around six PM. Areas badly affected are Kumbiahe, Dopieni, Kambali, Dankpalhi and Mangu.

Many of the houses in these areas were flooded compelling emergency agencies such as NADMO, Ghana National Fire Service and the Police to rescue the people.

The Regional Directorate of National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), Isaac Seidu said the police and the Municipal Assembly have gone round the affected areas to assess the situation.

Most of the people in the affected areas are now drying their personal belongings and complained about damage caused to their electrical gadgets.

The Wa Municipal Chief Executive, Alhaji Tahiru Mumuni Isahaku attributed the flooding partly to indiscipline on the part of some developers.

He sent a signal that the Assembly will take a decisive action to curtail the re-occurrence of the problem.

 Meanwhile, the Municipal Disaster Management Committee is to hold an emergency meeting toda (September 1), to deliberate on how to assist the affected persons.

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