NEDCO begins installation of new smart prepaid meters

ecg meters

The Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo), is installing new smart prepaid meters in the homes of its customers in Bolgatanga, in the Upper East Region.

The over fifteen thousand new smart prepaid meters to be installed across the region, would operate simultaneously with the old ones already in use in the region until all the old ones are replaced.

This is part of NEDCo’s plans to provide quality and reliable customer- service.

NEDCo says the new smart prepaid meters can reduce and potentially eliminate non-technical losses by those taking advantage and tampering with meters to hide their actual consumption. Their activities result in NEDCo losing large amounts in revenue.

NEDco will now be able to monitor the meters in the field and detect possible fraud at an early stage.

Moreover, the introduction of prepaid meters meets the challenge of customers not paying their debt, which remains a major problem for NEDCo.

Consumers will now be able to track and monitor their energy consumption on a daily basis, saving them money and teaching them how to be more energy efficient. The smart prepaid meter carries a battery-powered User Interface Unit (CIU), which allows customers to get real time information on energy used and the next recharge date for credit in the comfort of their homes.

This means, the customer hardly visits the actual meter for information when needed; he controls the meter at all times. Customers are also provided with a very flexible and more secured way to transfer credit to their smart meters.

Explaining how the new meter functions, the Upper East Regional Billing and Revenue Protection Officer at the Northern Electricity Distribution Company, Mr William Asare, said the smart prepaid meter has a class-one accuracy and assured customers of value for money spent on electricity.

He said the meter eliminates all forms of suspicion associated with meters and energy consumed by customers including illegal connections.

The main objective of introducing the new smart meters is to reduce losses and rake in more revenue, while providing customers with quality services.

By: Samuel Ayammah.

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