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Pastors urged to first take COVID-19 shot to disabuse rumours

General Superintendent of Assemblies of God, Rev Frimpong Manso has charged Pastors to encourage their members to take the COVID 19 vaccine. He urged Pastors to first take the shot to disabuse the minds of the public that the vaccines are not safe.

Rev Prof Frimpong Manso in a speech read on his behalf at the 3rd Greater Accra Regional Council meeting of the church, charged Ghanaians to continue to observe the protocols even after taking the COVID 19 vaccine.

General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Rev Prof Frimpong Manso. Speaking at the same event, the Greater Accra Regional Superintendent Rev Dr. Joseph K.K Baisie said government must move beyond mere rejection of same sex relationships and enact a law that will clearly state the stance of the country to protect the younger generation.

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