Volta region ranked 10th in 2021 District League Table

By: Seraphine Nyuiemedi
The Volta region has been ranked 10th among the 16 regions nationwide with a total score of 62.82 percent per the 2021 District League Table (DLT) report.
Performances under the various sectors shows that the region placed 5th under energy, 10th under Sanitation, 9th under governance, 9th under water, 7th under nutrition, 14th under education, and 15th under health.
This was disclosed in Ho, at the pre-launch of the 2022 District League (DLT) Table and dissemination of the 2021 DLT report by the National Development Planning Commission in partnership with UNICEF Ghana.
The report seeks to identify the wide disparities in the levels of social development across the country and cause policy dialogue and actions towards the reduction of inequalities in the various districts.
Twenty two (22) selected indicators were assessed under seven sectors namely, health, nutrition, education, water, sanitation, energy and governance.
The Ho West District emerged as the best among all the 18 Districts/Municipalities in the Volta Region with a total score of 71.81 per cent.
The District though first in the Region, placed 49th position among the 261 MMDs across the country. It was followed by Ho the Municipality with a score of 70.42 percent in the region and 63rd nationwide.
North Tongu District placed 3rd in the region with 69.83 percent and 75th position nationwide.
South Dayi came 4th with Ketu North and Hohoe Municipality placing 5th and 6th respectively.
The Deputy Director at the National Development Planning Commission, Monitoring and Evaluation division, Bright Atiase hopes the report will encourage the various districts to do well in their underperformed areas.
In education, whereas the Agortime Ziope District emerged the best in the region with 37.32 percent, Hohoe Municipality was ranked among the least performing District with 7.29 percent and 254th position nationwide.
Akatsi North was ranked top with a score of 52.18 per cent under the nutrition sector. Keta Municipal placed 1st under the health sector in the region with a score of 23.14 percent but placed 41st nationwide.
Ho Municipality came first under the energy sector with a total score of 100 percent at both the regional and national levels.
The Ho West District was ranked the best under the water sector in the region with 97 percent and placed 18th nationwide, whereas Keta Municipality was among the lowest scoring MMDs with 261st position nationwide.
South Dayi District emerged the winner in the region under the Sanitation assessment with a score of 96 percent and 22nd position nationwide.
The Agortime Ziope was among the lowest scoring districts in the Sanitation assessment with a score of 49 percent. Similarly, under the governance sector, Ho West District was the best among the 18 Districts and Municipalities in the region with a score of 80 percent and 26th nationwide.
Ketu South Municipal scored 0.22 percent under the governance assessment to placed 260 as the lowest ranked.

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