First day of voter exhibition records low turnout

First day of Voter exhibition records low turnout

By Seli Baisie

The first day of the voter exhibition exercise for the 2024 elections has seen a low turnout across various exhibition centres.

The exercise, which is crucial for voters to verify their details ahead of the upcoming elections, started slowly in many areas, with few people visiting the centers to check their names and particulars.

The voter exhibition process is intended to ensure that the voters’ register is accurate, giving eligible voters the opportunity to correct any errors in their details.

Electoral Commission officials at some polling stations expressed concern over the low participation, urging the public to take advantage of the exhibition period to confirm their registration details. They noted that errors not corrected during this period could prevent voters from casting their ballots on election day.

The exhibition exercise is expected to continue over the next few days, with authorities encouraging more people to participate to avoid last-minute rushes and potential disenfranchisement.

Voter education campaigns are ongoing to remind citizens of the importance of this process, with calls for increased awareness to boost turnout in the coming days.

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