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Summit to market MMDAs’ WASH Investment Plans to DPs, Corporate Ghana, NGOs ends in Accra

Summit to market MMDAs' WASH Investment Plans to DPs, Corporate Ghana, NGOs ends in Accra


A day summit put together by the World Vision Ghana (WVG), Global Communities with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to market the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Investment Plan of some 16 selected Municipal, and District Assemblies (MDAs)in the four Northern regions to Development Partners (DPs), Corporate Ghana, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) has ended in Accra.

The 16 MDAs are Yendi, Gushegu, Sagnarigu East Mamprusi, and Sissala East Municipalities.

The rest are: Mion, Karaga, Nanton, Mamprugu Moagduri, Bawku West, Garu, Tempane, Nadowli-Kaleo, Sissala West, Wa East and Dafiama Bussie Issa Districts.

The days summit according to the initiators is to showcase investment opportunities and potentials of the various MDAs as well as to boost public-private partnerships for WASH services in the selected assemblies.

Addressing participants at the summit, Mr. Robel Wamisho of WVG explained that the WASH Investment Plan (WIP) is a strategic document that provides an integrated approach for the delivery of WASH services in the districts.

According to Mr. Wamisho, the plan clearly articulates the road map to achieving the WASH targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“This carefully crafted plan also serves as an effective tool for the local government, communities, private sector and development partners to coordinate efforts, harmonize systems and mobilize resources for implementation.

Under the USAID funded Enhancing WASH Activities Project, World Vision in collaboration with Global Communities and with the guidance of the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and the ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources to prepare WIP and incorporate the plans into the Medium Term Development Plan,” he added.

Mr. Wamisho further explained that the district-led process started with the analysis and validation of WASH gabs at the district level, capacity building on WASH investments plan and data management, data collection, analysis and mapping of wash assets across the MMDAs, stakeholders validation of WIP, and analyzed data, elaboration and reviews of the WIPs in line with the MTDP and approval of the WIP by the General Assembly for implementation.

He therefore, called on the private sector, DPs, and donors to contribute their share in supporting the WIPs prepared by the MMDAs.

“Supporting the WIPs means contributing for the attainment of SDG6 by bringing transformation and sustainable social impact on the communities while promoting brand visibility,” Mr. Wamisho said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief of Party for Enhancing WASH at Global Communities, Mrs. Emefa Adwoa Baidoo speaking to the media reiterated that the WIP developed by the various MMDAs reflects the priorities of local communities are designed to ensure cost effective investment that serve not only the general population but also the most vulnerable.

“The WIP has come at the opportune time because it will ensure that WASH services will be prioritized and sustainably implemented at the local level, thus driving progress towards universal access,” said

Mrs Baidoo believed that the coming together of all stakeholders can unlock the potential these WASH investment plans and ensure that every Ghanaian, no matter where they live has access to clean water and sanitation.

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