DAMBAI: NDPC Holds Consultations


A two-day regional consultation on the Medium-Term National Development Policy framework, 2022-2025, has ended at Dambai, in the Oti regional capital. The meeting was organized by the National Development Planning Commission, NDPC, to seek the views of key development partners to set in motion the process of developing a successor policy framework for the current 2018-2021 document with the NDPC’s mandate which is to keep under constant review national development plans.

At the Dambai meeting were Planning officers, Coordinating Directors and Community Development Directors from all the eight districts in the Oti region. Ideas from participants took into consideration the environment, health, social, agriculture, youth unemployment, among others.

The process of preparing the MTNDPF for 2022-2025 started in September 2020 by looking at the execution of the 2018-2021 document and identifies key development issues for the next five years. It is tasked to come out with a solid document for national development.

The National Development Planning Commission is duty bound to continually review national development plans in the light of prevailing domestic and international economic, social and political conditions and make recommendations to revise existing policies and programmes where necessary.

This helps in the formulation of comprehensive national development planning policies and ensure that the strategies which include far-reaching policies and programmes are successfully carried out.

The team of experts heads for the Volta region for a similar exercise.

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