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EC extends limited voter registration exercise

EC extends limited voter registration exercise

By Gloria Amoh

In response to the network challenges experienced during the first two days of the Voters Registration Exercise, the Electoral Commission (EC) has announced a two-day extension to the ongoing registration period.

Originally scheduled to conclude on Monday, May 27, 2024, the exercise will now continue until Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

This extension aims to provide all eligible voters additional time to register, ensuring that technical difficulties do not hinder the democratic process. The Commission is committed to upholding every citizen’s right to vote and is taking proactive measures to facilitate this.

The Electoral Commission urges all eligible voters who have not yet registered to take advantage of this extension. Citizens are encouraged to visit their district Commission offices to complete their registration.

The decision to extend the registration period underscores the Commission’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility in the electoral process, ensuring that technical setbacks do not disenfranchise any voter.

As the new deadline approaches, the Commission remains vigilant and ready to address any further issues that might arise, maintaining a smooth and efficient registration process for all.

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