Government committed to protecting children: Bright Wireko-Brobbey


Government has called on ECOWAS States to incorporate into their laws the Commission’s 2018 to 2030 Strategic Framework for Strengthening National Child Protection Systems to prevent and respond to violence, abuse and exploitation of children.

This is because child protection is a critical issue for any country’s development.

Therefore, it is important that conscious efforts are made towards adapting Policies, Strategies, Standards, Guidelines as well as Procedures to prevent children from all forms of harm and  safeguard their rights.

Speaking at a training programme on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Strategic Framework on the protection of children  in Accra, Deputy Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Bright Wireko-Brobbey said the issue of child protection should be a collective effort of  the family, Communities, Government, Civil Society and Private Organisations.

Mr. Wireko-Brobbey said government remains committed to protecting children and the vulnerable in society.

Government  he said, will continue to roll out policies and intervention with the aim of moving children from employment to the classroom.

He said the Akufo-Addo led government has further strengthened the issue of protecting children and the vulnerable in society by incorporating in the 2017 to 2024, Co-ordinated Program of Economic and Social Development Policies approved by Parliament.

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