Korle Bu: Allied Health Professionals to strike

Allied Health Professionals to strike

By Juliet Mettle-Edmond

Allied Health Professionals at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital have threatened to gradually withdraw their services from tomorrow over allegations of being marginalized and excluded from leadership positions at the facility.

The Allied Health Professionals want a directorate which will be headed by one of their members as a director. Management of the Korle bu Teaching Hospital recently advertised for the position of Deputy Director of Medical Affairs who will oversee the activities of the Allied Health Professional at the facility.

But this angered the health workers who say such a decision amounts to treating them as second-rate professionals, a situation they have endured for 50 years.

At a news conference in Accra Chairman of the Korle bu Chapter of the Ghana Federation of Allied Health Professionals Dr. Francis Kwakye Antwi, said the roadmap to have their grievances addressed will culminate in a nationwide strike on August 7th if nothing is done.

The withdrawal of services will affect radiography, dental, physiotherapy and blood services among others.

The Chairman of the Chapter of the Ghana Federation of Allied Health Professionals Dr. Francis Kwakye Antwi outlined the roadmap to achieve their goals which they have been denied for the past 50 years.

Thursday August 1, members will limit their services to only the barest minimum and would not do any extra hours. Friday August 2nd, withdrawal of OPD Services, members will only attend to emergency cases and In-Patients.

Monday 5th August, Withdrawal of In-Patient services, Tuesday, August 6 Full Strike and on Wednesday 7th August, Nationwide Strike.

‘We demand recognition and respect for our professions’ We will fight for our rights, and we will not back down.

‘We want an advertisement for the position of Director of Allied Health, to replace the earlier advert of Deputy Director of Medical Affairs.

‘We need an Allied Health Professional appointed as Director, not a Deputy Director to the proposed Allied Health Director’.

The Federation is therefore calling on the Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service and all the six Teaching Hospitals to add their voices for the appointment of Directors for the four Teaching hospitals.

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