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Ghana to take delivery of additional 4 million Covid-19 vaccines


By Nicholas Osei Wusu.

Ghana is certain of receiving four million vaccines of Covid-19 by the end of September 2021, towards vaccinating the adult population.

Already, the government has taken delivery of part of the projected number of vaccines from the German and US governments.

Director-General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, disclosed this during a ceremony in the Central region.

He noted that Ghana is still fighting the coronavirus pandemic and therefore, everyone should endeavour to comply with the safety protocols so as to subdue the disease.

‘’Let us continue to remind our staff, all gathered here, that Covid 19 is still around. I’m impressed that the number of those wearing masks is high. But I am sure those who do not have it are in their packets. August alone, we had many deaths, please this is the saviour, let’s make sure we wear the masks, we are not out of the woods yet. The third wave is still around. In August alone there were a lot of deaths. Let’s stay with the protocols. This month we are taking 4 million vaccines, I am sure you will start benefiting from the vaccines’’, Director General of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, stated.

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